Brand laptop solution Music Production
Team LaptopSolution | 29 November 2024 | WiN+MAC: 2.31GB ..:: STANDALONE, AAX, AU, VSTi, VST3, x64 ::.. AGL aim to bring the Alhambra Luthier Classic Guitar sound to your studio. Sampling: 1. 3682 Samples, Size: 3.98 GB, 24bit 44.1khz2. DFD(Direct from disk)3. Multiple Stereo and Mono Modes4. Any chords & any rhythms with real Strumming Samples5. Controllable Resonance Sound6. Rich Fingering Noise – more vivid and realistic7. Finger, Pick two Instrument libraries to fit different needs8. Original Total Start Time which makes the picked instrument sounds more natural9. Each Cycle & Rhombic Sampling structure – Separate sample cycle for each note and vel layer to improve sample utilization10. Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide upwards & downwards, Slide in & out, Palm Mute, Popping, Natural Harmonic 10 techniques, Legato at random length & pitch Technology: 1. Supports AU, VST, RTAS, AAX, AAX for Protools11, Mac and Win, 32bit and 64bit2. Amplesound’s products are now Watermarked3. Capo Logic – Intelligent play according to guitar rules.4. Doubling Guitars – different samples at L & R5. CPS(Customized Parameters Setting), any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation6. Manual vibrato wheel designed specifically for guitars7. Poly Legato8. Slide Smoother9. Doubling Keyswitches – combine 2 techniques via pressing 2 keyswitches at the same time10. Poly Repeater11. Open String First Function12. Reverb, Stereo Delay, Chorus, Phaser, Compression, EQ, Overdrive, Wah-Wah 8 FXs Strummer: 1. 14 Strum notes + 28 playing modes for each chord2. Strumming Legato – both Slide and HP can be played in strummer3. Easy Strum Time Control via the velocity4. Mute Depth5. Strum time total, each, Velocity, Swing, 4 humanization settings6. Customized Chords and positions on Select or Detect 2 modes7. Chord inversions to Positions8. Strum SEQ with customized rhythm9. Delicate presets