Team ViP | 12 January 2025 | 1.6GB Folk Fiddle 2 is our flagship roots violin library. With a plethora of articulations on offer, and our hyper-powerful overlay threshold functionality, both bringing a playability and fluidity unmatched in its arena. With true legato, and a series of scale-adaptive nuanced turns and grace notes that blend effortlessly into one another to craft beautiful folk inspired melodies. FREE with every copy of the Folk Fiddle 2 comes THE SHAMAN’S DRUM. A deceivingly complex frame drum texturally, build to be straight forward to use, with a simple ‘beater position’ control that allows you to move, in real time, between different striking positions. 27 Articulations: – Static Longs (true legato / poly mode, vib/non-vib) [mf] – Expressive Longs (true legato / poly mode with natural expression) [mf] – Brushed Staccato (4 round robin repeats) [p,mf,f] – Staccatissimo(4 round robin repeats) [p,mf,f] – Spiccato (4 round robin repeats) [p,mf,f] – Pizzicato (4 round robin repeats) [p,mf,f] – Crescendo (Short & Long crescendos controlled with dynamics) – Sforzando (Fortissimo Attack with immediate decrescendo & crescendo) – Decrescendo (Hard attack that gets quieter very quickly ending with silence) – Grace – Semitone up (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Grace – Wholetone up (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Grace – Semitone down (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Grace – Wholetone down (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Slides (up to triggered pitch) – Falls fast (away from triggered pitch) – Falls slow (away from triggered pitch) – Wholetone turns (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Wholetone to Semitone turns (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Semitone to Wholetone turns (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Semitone turns (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Trills – Wholetone (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Trills – Semitone (one shots with an adaptive scale mode) [mf] – Tremolo – Triple Attack (quick start) – Triple Attack (long start) – Gliss FX – full range (fast, slow, up, down, up & down variations on each string. All repeated with Trem.) – String Brushes & Scrapes (Brushed notes on open strings & mechanical sounds of bow scrapes) Folk Fiddle 2 requires the FULL version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or above!